• H O M E
  • A B O U T
  • S E R V I C E S
  • T R A I N I N G




Trina has presented to parent and professional groups on a variety of topics. She is available to present these various trainings for your parent and/or professional group/organization upon request. Training sessions can be tailored to meet your parent and/or professional group/organization needs.

  • Organizing your Child's Educational File

    It’s imperative that parents are organized on this journey as they navigate the special education system. Learn how to organize your child’s educational file so that documents can be found quickly during a phone call, conference, or meeting. Parents will learn how to create a quick reference sheet for the front of their child’s file to access information quickly.

    **Materials provided includes a 3-ring binder, and dividers**

    Please have parents to bring any materials regarding their child’s education i.e. ETRs, IEPs or 504’s, progress reports, emails, and other correspondence

  • Special Education 101

    Special Education basics include an overview of the laws and the special education process, parents’ and students’ rights, evaluation team reports and independent education evaluations, school district responsibilities, basic terms, acronyms, and how to effectively communicate and best practices.

  • It's all About IEPs

    Learn the difference between medical and education diagnosis, how to understand your child’s IEP goals, objectives and the difference between accommodations, modifications, and interventions. Participants will be taught how to evaluate the child’s progress reports to gauge their improvement or lack thereof. And also gain an understanding on how to effectively agree or disagree at IEP meetings and best practices.

  • It's All About 504s

    Participants will receive an overview of Section 504 and processes, recognize the difference between an IEP and 504 plans as well as parents’ and students’ rights. Understand the different accommodations that can be included into a 504 Plan and how to evaluate your child’s progress accessing the curriculum.

  • Special Education and Discipline

    Gain an understanding of Functional Behavioral Analyst (FBA) and Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP). Recognizing the difference between emotionally disturbed and socially maladjusted. Learn more about the disciplinary process which includes manifestation meetings, suspensions, and expulsions, as well as how to implement trauma and social-emotional accommodations into an IEP.

  • Transition Planning 101

    Participants will receive an introduction to the Americans with Disability Act and processes. Learn about the transition section of the IEP, informal and formal transition assessments, and how to develop and implement appropriate postsecondary goals. Accommodations for SAT and ACT exams, and how to request accommodations in your workspace and / or college campus.

  • Planning for Academic Success

    How to prepare for, attend, and follow up after an ETR, IEP or 504 meetings including how to create an impactful future planning statement that supports your vision for your child’s education.

  • Parent Advocacy Class

    The class provides a brief overview of the Special Education laws and processes. Gain an understanding of the components of an IEP and 504, how to monitor progress and how to negotiate during an IEP meeting as well as how to organize your child’s education file**Parent Advocacy will consist of 6 sessions over Zoom or in-person. Sessions will be recorded and recorded links and materials will be sent to participants by email.* After each session, there will be a case study and time for Q&A’s

  • Student Advocacy 101

    This course is for students in grades 7-12. Students will learn how to effectively communicate with teachers and staff in an academic or work environment. Students will practice how to use their accommodations to strengthen their deficits and build their self-esteem, confidence, and executive functioning skills.**Advocacy 101 will consist of 6 sessions over Zoom or in-person. Sessions will be recorded and recorded links and materials will be sent to participants by email.** After each session, there will be a case study and time for Q&A’s